September 30, 2008 13:18 by
A while back we began a habit of looking for a park we had never been to before! It was a way to get out of the house, let Anna run, and let me have some new scenery while I wait for her to get worn out. Now, I have three kids to haul out in public, and we have been to most of the area play grounds, but it is still a big lure when it's a new park! One time we kept the kids happy for a 3 hour drive to get Daniel's business licence by telling them we were looking for a new park! And then we took them to a "micky-d's" with an indoor play area and made the business pay for the lunch! It was fun, but for a while after that Anna would ask to go to that play ground again! We had to tell her it was too far to go very often, we would find some place closer. These pics are from a place out of town but close to us that got re-vamped recently! Gotta love new play things, no matter how old you are!
Look at Ben eating his toes, do you wish you were that flexible again? He is so warm and smooshie! I love this kid! Have a great day, and try taking the kidd-o's to a park!

September 29, 2008 17:40 by
This was a ton of fun and so I just have to share. Go to www.yearbookyourself.com get a good laugh at yourself!!!! It's healthy!
I call these scary Georgie 1, 2, and 3!!!!
just to be fair here are some morphed photos of Dan
Fun with Anna.......
Katie looks like my sister Liz!!!
And another funny one of Daniel, and one of Ben just because!!!
Go ahead and laugh your head off!!!!!

September 25, 2008 19:38 by

September 25, 2008 19:30 by
Benjamin is venturing into the world of the upright! This photo is from the first day Ben sat in a cart, and in a high chair at Home Town Buffet!

September 25, 2008 18:50 by
My Mother was great at lots of things but, she had a thing about clutter. We were never allowed to put stuff up on the fridge. By we, I mean me, since I was the one who colored on everything that would hold still! Well, I decided to be different so I ask my kids to put every picture they draw for me on the fridge. It stays till it falls off and needs thrown away. So this cluttered fridge is covered in love! Every item has a story! Mom, I know this makes you crazy, it bugs Daniel too! I also use all those cheep magnets people give you to make magnet photos of my family with a little double sided tape! Take a look!

September 22, 2008 10:23 by
Daniel had to do a measure for to bid on a job out of town Saturday so we made an outing out of the drive. We went to a kids museum and found two special exhibits going on.
One was a mock dig and one was a leather craft class!
They both made little leather coin purses that hang around their necks!
The girl's had so much fun that they got worn out and grumpy by the time we headed home.
Katie really liked the dig thing because she says she wants to be a bone "didder" and "did" for bones when she grows up!

September 22, 2008 09:47 by
I got a shipment of games for my SimplyFun business and the box was packed full of this brown paper. Well, I know free fun when I see it! At first we were going to use it to color on but then Anna came home and it evolved into dress up. I got out the stapler (for the paper not the girls) and jumped into the craziness! Here is a look at our paper couture!

September 22, 2008 09:04 by
It's more of an army crawl but he is getting faster every day. He would probably do more of an actual crawl but he keeps doing face plants and rolling over and bonking his head on my unforgiving hardwood floors! Ouch! I got an area rug for him to play on but he gets off it fast. It is very exciting to watch him set a goal and get to it! Go Ben, go! Now I have to be on my toes, and do some baby proofing!

September 22, 2008 08:20 by
I just love reading my sisters blogs. They are so funny and clever. We have so much in common. It reminds me how glad I am to have three children so they have siblings to share things with, and so I have something to blog about. Notice how it always comes back to me! Me, me, me it's all about me! Who wouldn't like to blog?
Yesterday, my sweet Katelynn had an accident somewhere between church and the Grands for Sunday dinner. So, I left her in their front yard with Daniel, Benjamin, and Anna and ran the 3 miles back home to get her a change of clothes. It seamed like the best idea at the time. But, when I got back less than 10 minutes later, I found her all along clinging to a small tree in the front yard standing in a strange position. The poor girl had fallowed pooping in her tights up with wetting herself while I was gone. She refused to go inside to get tidied up so we went around the house to a shady corner to have some privacy. I remember being a kid, so I didn't scold her. I figured the whole thing was traumatizing enough, next time she will let someone know she needs a potty break. Yea, being a mom is an education.

September 20, 2008 06:35 by
It's a little sad but very true that we re-live our lives through our kids. I always wanted a canopy bed, and a very girlish room. We were always in a rental so no painting, and Mom was down on stuff collecting. The last part I understand more now because kids cane really collect the junk, and they don't keep it picked up really well either. But, I do enjoy doing girlish things with my two mini ladies that I only dreamed of as a kid. So, when a friend offered me a second hand princess canopy I couldn't resist. It has been quit a story, at first my kids had a fight with one of the bars before I even got it assembled, and I hid it for a while. Then on Anna's first day of school last year I cleaned her room and put it up for her. She was so rewarding, she said things like " Your the best mommy ever", and "This is so beautiful"! Then it got pulled on and had things tide to it and the bars got swung from and bent, and finally I pulled it down, but it was fun while it lasted, and very girlish! I hope it made a memory for my girls! And in the end that's what it's really all about!