Katie and Anna eating cotton candy they got with the spending money Grammy gave them at the theme park Jeshua took us to in Colorado!
We scrimped, and saved, and finally just packed the car and left! It was family reunion time in Missouri with the Pipkin's and I didn't want to miss it again! Along the way we had tons of what the kids call "adventures", I even got ticketed for speeding by the CHP. For the whole 2 or 3 hrs of the trip we were in California it was really a spendy part of the journey! Here are some pictures we took to commemorate the crazy trip and all the fun we had! Enjoy!
Uncle jeshua gets a hug from busy Ben. Ben at My Moms. Anna finds more cousins!!!!
Anna at Uncle Davids house. Playing in the car. Meeting even more little family members! Yipeeeee!!!
Katie wanted this photo opp at the Hogel Zoo all to herself! Ben loved these drinking fountains, but he loves all drinking fountains! = )
Anna swings with her cousin (yes, another one)! This next pic. helps explain it all! Love you guys! Miss you already!
Swimming was a great way to catch a break and a shower en-route! Kate and Ann at the temple open house in Utah!

After nearly two and a half weeks in the car, and on the road.....we were so glad to be done! Home at last!