Both these girls spent time in the NICU after they were born.  (Thanks Ben,

for breaking that run!)  Traumatizing as it was at the time, I am good with all of that now!

As such, they get invited to a party every year to celebrate the successes

of the hospital staff and their little patience.  There is usually

some food and activities but, this year there was cake, games, goodies bags

and free face painting!  The girls loved it!  When we were done inside, they

begged to walk the grounds and I took lots of pictures. 


The girls pose with a giant stone pear!



This is a maze/mandala designed to encourage meditation and wellness.


The girls sport their face paint!  I wish you could see how fancy and sparkly it really was. 

These pictures just don't do it justice!  I liked the work so much, I got the ladie's card and

I may get to take a class, and get the chance to earn some extra cash with my art skills!

I'll keep you posted on this one! This is the link to their gallery!  Fun stuff!   Happy Halloween!