Georgie's Blog

My Ramblings

Open house at Ann's school

clock October 30, 2009 20:22 by author Georgie

Anna's teacher commented on her skill and enjoyment of creating patterns with these blocks!



The girls each posed with the school mascot!  They both got sample toothbrushes! 


And, just for fun, here is a pic of Anna the day she got her eyes tested for reading glasses!

They gave her these roll up sun glasses and she was really intense about wearing them all day, even to recess!

(the Dr. only said for an hour or two)! 

Ben starts nursery

clock October 30, 2009 19:50 by author Georgie

I was substituting in nursery last week which happened to be Ben's 2nd Sunday.

I got some really nice shots of him that I wanted to share!  Enjoy!


Doesn't he look smart!


This was head, shoulders, knees, and toes!


I love when he laughs!

A peak at the great out doors!

Anna goes back to school...

clock October 28, 2009 21:17 by author Georgie

Look at those eyes!

Anna is a Second grader!  Wow, it's amazing how old that makes me feel! 

I can barely remember 2nd grade myself! 

Showing off our jewelry!

Anna is sporting her new coat and backpack, standing in line with her friends whom

she is thrilled to find are in her class again this year!  But wait, she was in line for the wrong door!

These girls are in the class next to hers!  Oh, well.  They still see each other at recess!


This is Kate and Ann walking home from that first day! 

Smile Katie!

Katie likes to choose her own wardrobe, and she was a little hot in this velvet dress!

Anna, up a tree

clock October 28, 2009 21:10 by author Georgie

Anna has never been big on heights.  To be honest, this tree was not that high.

But, for a girl with very little tree climbing experience, this is a very cool shot!


Check out this pretty girl, out on a limb!

One day, round trip!

clock October 28, 2009 20:34 by author Georgie

Daniel took his Ham radio operators test in Dallas, Oregon recently!  We went along for the drive, and

ended costing a lot more than Daddy intended when I begged to take the kids to the aquarium!  We were

just going to drive down the coast on the way home, but I saw a few signs and got excited!  So, my sweetie said yes,

and forked over about $50 to make it happen!  Boy was it cool!  There were these amazing glass sculptures in the fish

tanks!  Gigantic glass tubes filled with hug fish and even sharks!  They even had windows in the floor to see them pass

under you as well as over you!  The kids ate it up!  We were there for a very long time snapping photos and ooo-ing!

Take a look!  I just wish I had a flash, or had brought our "real" camera!


This star fish was as big as my head!


look at my barefoot son!  Just can't get that kid to keep his shoes on!


Oh, wait!  What was that?



Okay, it's a bad, bad shot, but here my skittish Anna pets a shark!  She who froze on the way

up a ten foot slide at the park once, only to be passed up by her 18 mo. old baby sister!  The girl who

used to crawl over those grid floors on the play grounds!  Yup, that girl is petting a shark in this photo!

Katie petted some of these things in this tank too, but Ben got the willies when they came his way!

I don't blame him!  I wish the photos of the jelly fish had been better, but here is a sea horse!


While Dan was taking his test we waited at a park.  My phone went funny, and we waited an hour longer than we should have!

I think Dan and I have an almost psychic link, because after a while, I re-booted my phone, and he had been trying to reach me f

or over an hour!  Ooops!  Dang phone!


I think this used to be a drinking fountain, but it made a nice pic!

My new hobby

clock October 28, 2009 19:13 by author Georgie

Once again, I must lament my not so hot camera phone!  this pair of earrings has lovely white lilies with green frosted beads

dangling below a red hot heart!  I love these, they are fresh and feminine and go with anything I want them to!  I suppose it is an

understatement to say I enjoyed making them!  Anna and all her friends at school have enjoyed the spoils of my learning curve! 

It's also nice for me to be able to make something to go with all my latest outfits!  Sporting my own art is so rewarding! 


This is my display at the Oregon Curiosity shoppe on Main Street!  I like combining colors, shapes,

sparkle and frosted elements along with some nice charms!  I love to give things hinges so they sway and dangle!

jewelry should move with you, even accentuate your locomotion!  And show off your personality, or mine as the case may be!

I even found some nice fresh water pearls to work into my designs!  I also love to serf the net for beads i could never afford! 

There is this store in Ashland with a whole wall of charms in tiny drawers, so bad for the bottom line!



The set on the display mirror is all lilies and leaves in shades of green and purple, my favorite colors, and took quite some time

to craft!  I am asking $35 for that set!  I also made a ton of zipper pulls that can be used to decorate almost anything, purses to diaper bags!

But, I don't have photos of those!  I made a custom pull for all of us girls, even one with an alligator for Grammy Bell!   I put the stuff at the above

shoppe on sale: buy one get one 1/2 off since they were not selling there!  If that doesn't work I will go back to selling it myself, office to office

in a basket with Anna!  We did pretty well that way!

Katie is posing with the Cinderella necklace with baby blue hearts, and white pearls!

She loves to get involved in the fun!


I like to call this one treasure trove!  It is a silver bead ring with royal blue fresh water pearls,

and a mix of other glass and metal elements!  It moves around for a new look every time you wear it!

But, boy do I need to moisturize! = ]  (And get a better camera)


Aren't my "distressed" hardwood floors a nice background for all these lovely glass beads?


Okay, so I need a skilled photographer, but for all of those who asked here is some of my custom

hand made jewelry that I spend every spare moment on!  Hope you liked the photos!  If not.......... don't tell me! = }

I should have taken a picture!

clock October 28, 2009 18:24 by author Georgie

I just pulled a purple tulle tutu off my baby boy!  I am sure that Uncles Jeshua and Wilson can commiserate with him! 

Having big sisters can really mess with your sense of manly style!  I suppose it is a good thing I don't have documented,

"bribe photos" to record the event!  Oh, well!  My loss is his gain! = ]

Yet more photos from our day in Brookings

clock October 27, 2009 21:17 by author Georgie

Anna having a blast playing in the sand at Harris beach in Brookings, Or.!


 Ben with another great stick!


 Kate got wet, cold and sandie, and I got great shots!  I hope they remember the fun!

oh, I wish my camera phone was better!

clock October 27, 2009 21:08 by author Georgie

We pulled the mattress off the futon on a few occasions to all get comfy and watch movies!  Or for the kids to have a slumber party!

We have even let the kids spend the night out under the Christmas tree this way before! 

This one time Kate and the cat took this opportunity to snuggle up and snooze!  I just wish this was a nicer shot! 

Aren't they cute though!


I need to down load more pic's...

clock October 26, 2009 15:25 by author Georgie

I love taking my kids to the park to get a good run in!  They do the running, I read, craft, make calls or just take lots of great pictures of my kids.


I have more pictures on my camera, and my phone that I would add to this post, but sadly that would take more time than I have now!

Nun the less, enjoy a sweet shot of my shinny boy!  He really is a happy chap!